
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2023

Changes to my study program

  I am a student of the career Pedagogy in Preschool Education of the Universidad de Chile and I am in fourth year. I consider that the race has its branches well implemented, but if I would like there to be one more branches of first 4, since although there is a branch called "Health and care of the child", its duration is insufficient, , since it only lasts one semester, so I feel that when I go out to the labor field not having enough knowledge How to deal with diseases is a great disadvantage that could have great consequences. As for the preference of face-to-face or online classes, I prefer that they be face-to-face, Since through virtuality there are many distractors, unlike being in a classroom all the senses are engaged in understanding the content

Time travel to the past

Between traveling to the past or the future, i would like to go to the past, the place i visited in  2018,  which was Colombia, where i went to represent our folkloric dances in an international dance meeting. I would like to return there, since the landscapes of the place where i lived in the city of Cártago they were wonderful and what left me most enchanted was the debauchery of the birds, iguanas and squirrels. i was very careful that people themselves took care of these.

My Dream Job

                                                                My Dream Job In the future i would like to work in the area of education, but aimed at early chilhood, which would imply exercising it in person, since it is the initial age, everything comsist of a process of attachment and containment. By work focus i would like to travel, since in this way i can get to know other realities of early childhood education and that helps me to deliver a better education. Unfortunately, education in Chile is  not well paid, so those of us who decided to work in the area of education, it's by vocation. I feel that i chose the right career, i do not see myself working or exercising professionally in any other career.

The best vacation ever

                                   I'm gonna to talk about the best vacation ever.  Were the summer of 2022, where i visited La Serena with my mother (Veronica) and siblings (David, Agustin). The Holidays lasted four days in wich we did tourist activities. we also visited coquimbo, where we met La cruz Del Tercer Milenio, where we spent a whole day knowing and enjoying it. Also this day we saw a pirate ship on the shores of La Herradura beach. Without a doubt it was my best vacation, since, i enjoyed the company of my family and everythig turned out exactly as planned.