Changes to my study programme

In this last blog, I will give my opinion on the change that I would like to see made in the curriculum in the area of Early Childhood Education. 

I would like there to be a more specific subject on the precursors of education, because today I am in the fourth year of my degree and if I have knowledge about the precursors of education it is because of my interest in knowing about the subject, but, nevertheless, we do not give it the importance it should have.

The precursors of education are important for any teacher because they have dedicated themselves to carrying out studies on brain behavior in children and have also done experiments with animals, so they have another point of view on how it works and thus create theories that are still used today, being effective methods in learning.

An example of this is Montessori style kindergartens and if they are still used to this day it is because these methods give very good results.


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