BLOG 1 - A country/place I would like/love to visit 

I would love to visit a specific place in Chile, a place that is very popular with tourists, this place is "Isla de Pascua".

I am very impressed by its archaeology and its statues "Los Moáis", which, as the story of their creation says, are human figures made by the inhabitants of that time. These figures are of a very big size.

I would also like to visit the volcano "Volcan Rano Kaw", which is part of its geography. 

I would like to witness the galas, demonstrations that the inhabitants themselves perform for the visitors, demostrating their characteristic dances and culture of this place.

I would like to witness their native Easter Islander culture, because although it is part of Chile, as it is not so big, it is not informed beyond. It seems to me a good opporunity to be informed about the existing cultures in our country and what better than to enjoy as much natural and cultural wealth as this beautiful place can provide. 

If one day I am given the great opportunity to visit this island, I would like to enjoy the atmosphere, food, culture and traditions so characteristic of this place.  


  1. Hello Pilar, thank you for sharing this. It does really sound like a magic place to go. I remember that a couple (many) of years ago there was a soap opera that was filmed in Easter Island, it was called Iorana and its from 1998. You should definitely watch it, mainly because you can see a lot of the places of the island.


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