
  BLOG 5 Changes to my study programme In this last blog, I will give my opinion on the change that I would like to see made in the curriculum in the area of Early Childhood Education.  I would like there to be a more specific subject on the precursors of education, because today I am in the fourth year of my degree and if I have knowledge about the precursors of education it is because of my interest in knowing about the subject, but, nevertheless, we do not give it the importance it should have. The precursors of education are important for any teacher because they have dedicated themselves to carrying out studies on brain behavior in children and have also done experiments with animals, so they have another point of view on how it works and thus create theories that are still used today, being effective methods in learning. An example of this is Montessori style kindergartens and if they are still used to this day it is because these methods give very good results.
BLOG 4 -  Time travel to the past or future In this blog, i'll talk about my time travel to the future. I'd like to  visit in a future other country, in this case Brazil, because this country has beaches very beutiful with clear waters,  too because this country has a very tropical climate, which I find very interesting. I would also like to visit the tourist places, such as El Cristo, museums, patrimonial houses, enjoy your food in general how too specifically  your tipic food.    I think that the best time to visit Brazil would be in several years in the future, because first I would like to establish my own house and before traveling to other countries I would like to travel throughout Chile and finally fulfill my dream, of getting to know Brazil and several other countries. For me it wouldn't be a country to live in, because I don't think I would be able to leave my family here and not live with my brother Agustín who is seven years old. If one day I could go, I wou
BLOG 3 About my dream job Hello, in this blog, I am going to talk about my dream job. This would be Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education and I say dreamed because it has been a very long road trying to fulfill my dream, because I left school in 2017 and after taking the PSU test, It did not go as I expected, that's why I had to enter a private university, this because my parents did not want me to stop studying, I studied all year 2018, after finishing the first year of university I went to pay the first monthly payment of the year 2019 and Unfortunately it had more than doubled and the economic situation of my parents did not allow me to continue studying.  For this reason I retired and dedicated myself to work with my  title of technician in middle level and I also did pre-university in evening modality, it was a very difficult year, after this, I took the PSU test again and in 2020 I received the news that I could enroll in the University of Chile. It was wonderful news, I star

Blog 2 - The best holiday

  My last vacation My name is Pilar, I am a student at the Faculty of Social Sciences where I am studying the fourth year of Pedagogy in Early Childhood Education. First of all, I would like to talk about the place I visited on my last vacation, this place was La Serena, I traveled with my two brothers and my mother, it was a five-day trip. Secondly, I would like to talk about the different activities that we did, some of them were riding in a pedal car along the shore of the beach, we enjoyed delicious baths on the beach, in addition, we played tennis and volleyball there, we tasted a lot of delicious food with marine ingredients, we also went to see the famous La Serena lighthouse, where we visited the museum inside, which is very nice.  My older brother, David, rented an apartment where we stayed for five days of vacation, the place had a swimming pool and barbecue area, which we also really enjoyed with my six-year-old brother Agustín. Another activity that we did with my family wa
 BLOG 1 - A country/place I would like/love to visit  I would love to visit a specific place in Chile, a place that is very popular with tourists, this place is "Isla de Pascua". I am very impressed by its archaeology and its statues "Los Moáis", which, as the story of their creation says, are human figures made by the inhabitants of that time. These figures are of a very big size. I would also like to visit the volcano "Volcan Rano Kaw", which is part of its geography.   I would like to witness the galas, demonstrations that the inhabitants themselves perform for the visitors, demostrating their characteristic dances and culture of this place. I would like to witness their native Easter Islander culture, because although it is part of Chile, as it is not so big, it is not informed beyond. It seems to me a good opporunity to be informed about the existing cultures in our country and what better than to enjoy as much natural and cultural wealth as this beau

Changes to my study program

  I am a student of the career Pedagogy in Preschool Education of the Universidad de Chile and I am in fourth year. I consider that the race has its branches well implemented, but if I would like there to be one more branches of first 4, since although there is a branch called "Health and care of the child", its duration is insufficient, , since it only lasts one semester, so I feel that when I go out to the labor field not having enough knowledge How to deal with diseases is a great disadvantage that could have great consequences. As for the preference of face-to-face or online classes, I prefer that they be face-to-face, Since through virtuality there are many distractors, unlike being in a classroom all the senses are engaged in understanding the content

Time travel to the past

Between traveling to the past or the future, i would like to go to the past, the place i visited in  2018,  which was Colombia, where i went to represent our folkloric dances in an international dance meeting. I would like to return there, since the landscapes of the place where i lived in the city of Cártago they were wonderful and what left me most enchanted was the debauchery of the birds, iguanas and squirrels. i was very careful that people themselves took care of these.